Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 2 // hunting for scapegoats

How do we live in a world of overwhelming complexity? Much of the time, by shifting the focus--and the tension--onto some other person or group. Ah, yes, the old, familiar scapegoat mechanism! I'm not scared, you're scared! I'm not angry, you're angry! I'm not to blame, you're to blame--and everyone else agrees! This tradition is grounded in ancient scriptures, and perhaps more useful than we care to admit. But what do we do when the scapegoat is not as guilty as we would like them to be? Is there a better way?

Watch a YouTube video of Joe's sermon: "Why'd YOU have to go and make things so complicated??"

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Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 3 // (false) border security


Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 1