Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 3 // (false) border security

Which division are you in? The world of sports has a myriad of ways to break down competition: age, sex, skill level, weight class, region, amateur or pro, team or individual, recreational or competitive, "special" or otherwise... Divisions like that are all over the place in our lives. Some are carefully thought through, some are random, and plenty are assumed to be "just the way it is" because that's the way it's been for a while... These divisions help us to deal with the overwhelming complexity of our universe; how can we create and keep them in ways that honour the gifts and serve the needs of all?

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Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 4 // simplicity on the other side of complexity


Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 2 // hunting for scapegoats