Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 1

[read in Hollywood movie trailer announcer voice]: "In a world of infinite complexity, one human stands with the rest. Taking on normal tasks and winning ordinary battles with their incredibly average abilities, yet imagining that they are somehow at the center of it all..." Is that what your inner monologue sounds like? The world is indeed infinitely complex, yet our brains so often substitute a less complicated version of reality that we can cope with. What are the implications of our inability to see and understand actual reality, for our ego, our relationships, our faith? Tune in for part 1 of 4 of our series on "Blurred Lives: coming to terms with our impossible longing for resolution."

Watch a YouTube video of Joe's sermon: "This isn't going to end well..."

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Blurred Lives: our impossible longing for resolution - Part 2 // hunting for scapegoats


Let the Children Come