Wildwood Staff

Much of what happens here is due to the work of our members but we could not begin to pull it off without these dedicated and wonderful people.

  • Lisi Schröttner - She/Her - Co-Pastor

    Originally from BC, Lisi now calls Saskatoon home with her husband. She loves cycling and spending time outside, and enjoys sitting with a good book or playlist, or connecting with others over a cup of coffee. And she is perpetually curious! She’d love to learn your story, so send her a message!

  • Joe Heikman - He/Him - Co-Pastor

    Joe is a chauffeur, lunch-packer, joke-writer and Minecraft-partner for his two kids. He has been pastoring here since 2012. In a spare moment, he could be found sitting with a fantasy novel over a hunk of cheese with peanut butter. Send him a message at wmc@wildwoodmennonite.org or try the button below.

  • Sarah Rinholm - She/Her - Office Administrator

    Somehow with a partner, two kids, a dog and a cat she manages a sports team and keeps Wildwood running smoothly. She’s an avid foodie with heightened senses of taste and smell. Send her a message at wmc@wildwoodmennonite.org or try the button below.