Be Connected Beyond Sunday Mornings.
Photo by Les.
Small Groups
Lots of us like to build connections through small groups. Things are always adapting to suit our people and that leads to things like quilting groups, book clubs and Bible study and discussion groups. Some may get together on regular schedules like women’s groups or informal supper clubs. Sometimes groupings form as inspiration strikes for a faith-related movie night, a kitchen event or a topical study. If you want to know what’s going on currently or have an idea for the next great thing, contact the church office and ask to be added to our email list.
Frying sausage for the annual Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale. Photo by Don.
Community Connections
How are we connecting? Our community garden, adjacent to the church, feeds the church members and neighbours who care for it and other hungry Saskatonians in association with great organizations like CHEP (Child Hunger & Education Program).
In an effort to keep our building serving the community it is shared with other community organizations like language classes, music programs and support groups. We are also active participants in the work of Mennonite Central Committee Saskatchewan and its work with Refugee Assistance, Restorative Justice, Aboriginal Neighbours, the Village Green thrift store, global relief and peace-building efforts and more.
Brenda is clearly squashing it in the community garden. Photo by Wayne.
Your Gifts At Church
There’s a way for everyone to share their gifts to keep us a vibrant, healthy and helpful organization. People help by planning Sunday services, shovelling the walkways, keeping up the library or rolling up their sleeves in the kitchen. Teens can use mentors and folks need rides. Whether planning, caring, cooking or singing, everyone has something to offer. There’s always a spot to fill here in the church or elsewhere in God’s wide world. Whenever you’re ready, start a discussion about how you can plug in.
Photo of budding activist, Reh, is by her personal baeker and parent, Josephine.