Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength: Experiments In Lent - Part 4 // Traditional Worship: called to the light

Our sermon time this week was a multi-sensory experience. First, we listened to a clip from the podcast “Ask Science Mike,” as Mike McHargue gave us an introduction and background to visual and experience-based prayer. Then we tried out one of those experiences, with five minutes of a candle prayer.

You can find the full “Ask Science Mike” podcast here.

Watch a YouTube video of the worship experience: "Visual Prayer 101"

View and/or download a PDF of the script


Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength: Experiments In Lent - Part 5 // Sunday Brunch: called to life


Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength: Experiments In Lent - Part 3 // Music, Meditation & Communion: shaped by thirst