Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength: Experiments In Lent - Part 5 // Sunday Brunch: called to life

Hearing the story of Lazarus’ death might cause us to ask ourselves: How comfortable are we with the season of Lent, with contemplating Jesus’ impending death, or even our own? From what do we need to be unbound and set free? Like the snowman’s days, our days are numbered. Does recognizing this change how we live our lives? Is it possible that the time we have left can become more filled with meaning and purpose?

View and/or download a PDF of "Called to Life" a '5-Minute Focus' from Eileen Klaassen


Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength: Experiments In Lent - Part 6 // Palm Sunday March: called to celebrate


Heart, Soul, Mind, Strength: Experiments In Lent - Part 4 // Traditional Worship: called to the light