“How the Bible Actually Works”

This Sunday's worship featured a panel discussion of Peter Enns' book How the Bible Actually Works: In Which I Explain How an Ancient, Ambiguous and Diverse Book Leads Us to Wisdom Rather Than Answers--and Why That's Great News. We can't reproduce the panel discussion here--it was lively, funny and insightful; sorry if you missed it! But here is a video where Peter Enns explains his main ideas: How the Bible Actually Works (and how it doesn't). And if you want to explore further, check out Pete's podcast The Bible For Normal People--or better yet, come join a group of folks gathering most Sunday mornings before church to discuss the meaningful things of faith and life (a.k.a. Adult Sunday School, 9:30am most Sundays at WMC).


Lessons on Faith from a Mennonite Teacher in Rural Saskatchewan


You are Awesome and Marvelous